“We are super impressed. Speechless is putting it lightly.”

- Battery Executive


“We are super impressed. Speechless is putting it lightly.”

- Battery Executive




ShopComm Services Providing Electric Location Rates!

Our proprietary shipping services provided the spark needed to beat expectations for a major battery manufacturer.

When a major battery manufacturer was unhappy with the set rates for their product, they came to Anderson with a challenge: Beat the set rates we’re getting at our current merchandising company.

The test project required Anderson Merchandisers to place inventory on sidekicks at 1,800 stores with a set rate goal of 85%. Using our ShopComm solution, we shipped the sidekicks to the stores with easily identifiable labels and branding to allow our merchandising team to locate the shipment quickly and easily in the stores.

Within 5 days, our team was able to set all the stores at a rate of 99%, significantly exceeding the benchmark set by the client.